Friday, July 10, 2009

How to wash cloth diapers

Cloth diapers are a very good alternative to disposable ones. For one, they are more comfortable on baby’s skin. Next, they help reduce household waste. They’re also a lot cheaper as you wouldn’t have to buy over and over. You only have to wash cloth diapers after they’ve been soiled. And if you take care of them well, you can use them for a very, very long time. Here are a few tips on how to wash cloth diapers properly.

Dispose of any poop before putting away the diaper. Scrape off with tissue paper if you must. Keep the cover seperate from the actual diaper even when washing.

Rinse the cloth diapers in cold water before the actual washing. This would keep the stains from setting in.

As babies’ skin can be very sensitive, be cautious when using laundry detergents or essentail oils (a few drops of Tea Tree Oil can be helpful in getting rid of germs off the diapers while lavender oil will keep them smelling fresh). Use enzyme free detergents so that they won’t damage the diapers. They also won’t build up soap residue. Plan-based detergents are natural and your babies wouldn’t be prone to allergies if you use them. However, when trying out new products, observe if your baby develops redness or a rash. If so, discontinue use.

Include a hot wash in your laundry routine. This will eliminate germs on the diapers. Instead of using fabric softener, use a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. They work perfectly. Just rinse well to get the smell off.

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