Friday, July 10, 2009

What are the different types of cloth diapers

All-In One Cloth Diapers
Just as the name implies, All In One Diapers are a diaper and cover "all in one". They are the most convenient cloth diaper available. They are fitted diapers and are as easy to use as disposable diapers, but much more economical, because they are reusable.

One Size Fitted Cloth Diapers
One size cloth diapers are diapers that are usually adjustable from newborn to potty training. Some one size cloth diapers require a diaper cover and one size diapers have a water proof exterior where they do not require a diaper cover.

Fitted Cloth Diapers:
Fitted diapers are also a convenient way to diaper your baby. They are super-absorbent and most have elastic at the waist and legs with an adjustable snap or Velcro style (hook and loop) closure to fit your baby snugly and provide a customized, leak-proof fit. A diaper cover is needed when using fitted diapers. Fitted cloth diapers may come in a variety of sizes to fit your baby as he or she grows. Fitted cloth diapers are also available as one-size diapers and all-in-one one size diapers.

Contour Cloth Diapers:
Contour diapers are contour shaped and are easy to use. Contour diapers are in-between a. flat/prefold diaper and a fitted diaper. They can be used with diaper fastenters to keep them secure or can be used without fasteners when using a snug fitting diaper wrap.

Pocket Diapers:
Pocket diapers are a two piece stay dry diapering system usually made with a soft micro fleece lining that will wick moisture away from your child's skin and a waterproof outer shell. The pocket design works like an all in one with a removable absorbent core which allows for easier laundering and faster drying time.

Prefolds or Chinese Prefolds:
Flat cloth diapers are the classic cotton square which is folded to fit baby, and secured with diaper pins or a Snappi. A variation of the flat diaper is the Prefold, which includes extra layering in the center. Flat and prefold diapers are the least expensive choice in cloth diapers. These diapers require waterproof outer covers, so they are a three piece diapering system (diaper, cover, closure for diaper). Typically these diapers are closed with either diaper pins or a Snappi but it is also an option to simply lay them in a wrap style cover and forgo the additional closure type. Most of these diapers are made from birdseye or other gauzy fabrics. Some are made from velour or hemp. They are very absorbent, easy to clean, and quick to dry. They are the a very economical and simple choice for cloth diapering and are still widely used. Fans of other diapering types often use flat or prefold diapers for doublers or pocket stuffers, so they have other uses as well.



從前的紙尿褲中間吸水的部份是用木質紙漿,這些紙漿須經過漂白及軟化的過程才能使用。一般傳統的做法是將紙漿暴露在氯氣或二氧化氯中,在製造過程中更會釋出一些﹁有機氯﹂的副產品。不只在紙漿製造的工廠排出的廢水有高含量的﹁有機氯﹂ ,就連紙尿褲本身也殘存極微量的﹁有機氯﹂。其中最有名的﹁有機氯﹂ 就是﹁戴奧辛﹂(dioxin)。戴奧辛和畸型兒、流產、癌症都有關連,沒有人知道多少劑量的戴奧辛會引起危險。有些國家已經採用﹁無氯漂白﹂來生產許多紙類製品,包括紙尿褲,有些國家甚至已經禁止使用﹁氯漂白﹂方法來製造紙尿褲。但是在美國仍然是採用傳統﹁氯漂白﹂方式來處理紙漿。

在紙尿褲中另外要注意的一種化學成分是﹁聚丙烯酸鈉﹂(Sodium Polyacrylate)。目前的紙尿褲愈做愈薄,主要吸水的功能就是靠這個成分。它吸收嬰兒的尿後就凝成膠狀體。它能夠吸收其重量一百倍的液體。聚丙烯酸鈉並且和衛生棉條所引起的毒性休克徵候群(Toxic-Shock Syndrome)有關。嬰兒使用含有聚丙烯酸鈉的紙尿褲因為體質的不同有的會有嚴重的尿布疹(雖然紙尿褲製造商宣稱使用紙尿褲讓嬰兒較少有尿布疹)、會陰或陰囊的皮膚出血等,由於它強力的吸水效果,只要嬰兒的皮膚一溼,它便會將嬰兒皮膚上的液體吸乾,其效果強的像是﹁剝皮﹂一樣,在嬰兒皮膚的小汗珠和尿液中也分析得出它的存在。在消費者產品安全委員會(CPSC)接到的申訴中,穿紙尿褲引起的尿布疹像是﹁起水泡﹂ 、﹁化學物品燒傷﹂ 及﹁皮膚炎﹂ 。有些則說皮膚像是被割傷、抓傷或是被金屬銼刀銼傷等。有些紙尿褲所使用的染色劑會傷害到中央神經系統、肝和腎。美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)接到人們申訴紙尿褲的香味會引起頭痛、頭暈及出疹子。


在美國布尿布的用品琳瑯滿目,但在一般的店裏幾乎找不到品質好的東西,郵購目錄有很多的選擇。早期的尿布是一大塊棉布,使用時再折成所需要的形狀,後來則有將好幾層棉布車成一塊長方形的尿布(所謂的prefold)。這種尿布只須折成三分之一即可使用,比較一般的大塊尿布省事。最新的尿布則是依著尿褲的形狀車成一塊,像是砂漏的形狀,好處是直接使用,不用折。最後的一種是尿布本身像是尿褲的剪裁(snap diaper),穿起來像是尿褲,但是不防水,外面仍需再穿一件尿褲,這種設計的好處是很合身,不容易漏,壞處是一旦尿溼則整個腰部也會溼,感覺上很不舒服。另外在布料本身也有差別,一般店裏賣的尿布質料都不是很好,雖是純棉,但吸水力不佳,而且不經洗。我使用的是專業用長方形的尿布(diaper service prefold),那是由八層紗布車成的尿布。另外有沒有漂白過的棉布或是有機棉做的尿布,這些都需經過郵購才買得到。尿布的大小則有分新生兒用和一般型,新生兒用一般在嬰兒三個月大後便會嫌小,這時則須換用一般型的尿布。此時新生兒用的小尿布,可以在晚上睡覺須要較久換尿布時和一般型同時搭配使用,增加吸收力。但我並沒有買新生兒用的尿布,直接就使用一般型的尿布。


1.純羊毛尿褲:這是純羊毛氈(wool felt)剪裁成尿褲。它利用羊毛本身的羊毛脂來防水,冬暖夏涼,透氣性最佳,是我的最愛,但價格也最昂貴。有的媽媽反應太熱,我想這種羊毛尿褲大概也不適合溼熱的氣候 。




在清洗方面,我的第一個孩子,由於家中沒有洗衣機,我使用專業的尿布服務(diaper service)。它提供專業用的尿布(即車成長方形的prefold,品質較好),我只需將孩子的便便倒在馬桶中,再將髒的尿布放在尿布桶即可。他們每週來收髒的尿布,並換乾淨的尿布,一週約換80片。尿褲則須自己準備及清洗。在美國各地均有這種服務,如有興趣,可以在電話黃頁的目錄找Diaper Service即可。當我生老二時,家中已有洗衣機,故自己洗尿布。我每兩天洗一次,如果尿布有大便,則先搓洗一下,再丟到尿布桶中。清潔劑則是用在健康食品店買的洗衣精(Ecover, Dr. Brenner,s等品牌或是無香味的皂絲均可),加小蘇打粉可除臭,硼砂(Borax)可漂白,白醋可除臭、殺菌。尿褲若是沾了大便或溼了則馬上手洗晾乾。為了怕破壞尿褲的防水性,我幾乎只用清水洗尿褲。有的媽媽則是手洗尿布。一位媽媽的心得是將髒的尿布放在加了水、醋及洗潔劑的大盆中,洗時用腳踩。當她女兒大些時,則母女一起踩洗尿布,邊洗邊玩,其樂融融!


你若為了方便(外出及夜間)想使用紙尿褲,在美國健康食品店買得到以下的品牌。一是Tushies品牌紙尿褲。它的內襯沒有使用聚丙烯酸鈉,而是無氯的木質紙漿,而且沒有染色和添加香味。另外一種品牌Natural boy & girl則號稱是最環保的紙尿褲,尿褲的外層使用可以分解而且沒有基因改造的玉蜀黍澱粉薄膜(一般的紙尿褲則是用塑膠),使用的原料也比一般的紙尿褲少。但這種尿褲仍有使用比一般的品牌少量的聚丙烯酸鈉。總而言之,不管使用何種紙尿褲,對寶寶或地球都會造成相當的衝擊。



1.參考書籍Diaper Changes,作者: Theresa Rodriguez Farrisi,出版社: Homekeepers Publishing。

How to wash cloth diapers

Cloth diapers are a very good alternative to disposable ones. For one, they are more comfortable on baby’s skin. Next, they help reduce household waste. They’re also a lot cheaper as you wouldn’t have to buy over and over. You only have to wash cloth diapers after they’ve been soiled. And if you take care of them well, you can use them for a very, very long time. Here are a few tips on how to wash cloth diapers properly.

Dispose of any poop before putting away the diaper. Scrape off with tissue paper if you must. Keep the cover seperate from the actual diaper even when washing.

Rinse the cloth diapers in cold water before the actual washing. This would keep the stains from setting in.

As babies’ skin can be very sensitive, be cautious when using laundry detergents or essentail oils (a few drops of Tea Tree Oil can be helpful in getting rid of germs off the diapers while lavender oil will keep them smelling fresh). Use enzyme free detergents so that they won’t damage the diapers. They also won’t build up soap residue. Plan-based detergents are natural and your babies wouldn’t be prone to allergies if you use them. However, when trying out new products, observe if your baby develops redness or a rash. If so, discontinue use.

Include a hot wash in your laundry routine. This will eliminate germs on the diapers. Instead of using fabric softener, use a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. They work perfectly. Just rinse well to get the smell off.

Total savings for using cloth diaper

Cloth diaper
New born: RM38 x 8pc = RM304.00
1 year old: RMnil
2 years old: RMnil
3 years old: RMnil
Detergent and water = RM300 (assume RM100/yr)

Total expenses: RM604.00

Disposal diaper (the economical type)
New born: RM0.35/pc x 1,825 pcs (5pcs/day) = RM638.75
1 year old: RM0.40/pc x 1,095 (4pcs/day) = RM438.00
2 years old: RM0.45/pc x 1,095 (4pcs/day) = RM492.75
3 years old: RM0.50/pc x 1,095 (4pcs/day) = RM547.50

Total expenses: RM2,117.00

Total savings: RM1,513.00 (please note that this is only the total savings for 1 child and the disposal diapers are the economical type)

Different type of cloth diapers' comments

We would appreciate it if you can leave your comments on which brand of cloth diaper you are using now and the pros and cons.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How many cloth diaper do I need??

This is the good question and there is no fix answer. The number of diapers you need depends on the age of your baby and how often you plan to wash diapers. You will need fewer diapers in each size as you baby grows. Basically, I will advise people to buy 10 - 12pcs if you want to fully using cloth diapers for your baby.

Some styles of diapers will need changing a bit less often. For instance, pocket diapers have a moisture resistant barrier between the baby and the absorbent insert. This means you can change baby less often unless the diaper is dirty so you will likely use fewer diapers.

If you have a heavy wetter your baby will be on the high end of the number shown. You can extend the absorbency of diapers by using extra inserts. For myself, I used 2-3 inserts for my daughter in the night time.

If you can't afford to invest in a lot of diapers all at once, you can start with one day's worth of diapers and then add more the next time you get paid. Other frugal diapering options include using Regular size prefolds for infants by folding them down to fit. They will be a bit bulkier, but you'll buy fewer diapers over time.

You will want to get a few extra diapers to have on hand while you are washing diapers. Nothing is worse than having a sick baby and no clean diapers.